The Best Way To Lose Stomach Fat Through Smart Eating

Tired of having too much belly fat? For many people stubborn abdominal fat is a big problem. Not only is it an ugly turnoff but studies have shown that deep belly fat -- AKA "intra-abdominal" fat -- is probably the most dangerous type of body fat. The best way to lose stomach fat as quickly and healthily as possible is a combination of smart eating and regular exercise. Follow the proven diet tips below and you'll soon be watching your ugly belly fat melt off (while feeling a lot better at the same time)...

1. Eat some form of protein at every meal - Lean protein is a "fat burning" food because speeds up your metabolism, stabilizes blood sugar and insulin levels, helps to build muscle tissue, and keeps you feeling full. Lean meats, eggs, low-fat dairy products, nuts, seeds, and whey protein powder are all great forms of healthy, high quality protein.

2. Eliminate most grain products from your diet - For the most part, eating large amounts of grain foods is going to make losing stomach fat much more difficult. Try eliminating all foods containing wheat, corn and rice and see if you don't feel better, have more energy, and lose more weight in less time.

3. Eat lots of veggies and a couple servings of fresh fruit each day - Fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits are the best carbohydrates to eat when you're trying to burn belly fat and get leaner. They're high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and other healthy nutrients but low in calories. Raw is best but steamed veggies are a good choice as well. Avoid high-calorie dried fruits and fruit juices.

4. Watch for sugar - Sugar comes in many forms and it can definitely ruin your weight loss efforts, sometimes without you even noticing. Learn to read labels and try to avoid anything that contains more than a gram or two of sugar per serving. Obviously avoid all soft drinks and juices that contain sugar, corn syrup, etc. Even things like canned tomato sauces often contain high levels of sugar so you must be on the lookout at all times!

5. Limit processed foods - In general, the less a food has been processed or touched by other humans the healthier it is for you. Processed snack foods -- including many of the so-called "diet" foods -- aren't going to help you lose your abdominal fat. Eating foods like lean meats, raw fruits, fresh or steamed vegetables, raw nuts, and raw seeds on a regular basis -- and avoiding highly processed foods as much as possible -- is going to get you to your weight loss goals faster than just about anything else.

6. Eat one portion of "starchy" food per day - For many reasons, eating high-starch foods like breads, cereals, and pastas is counterproductive when trying to lose body fat. You'll get a leaner, better-looking body in less time by only eating one serving of starchy food per day. The healthiest choices are sweet potatoes, oatmeal (no sugar added), quinoa (a very unique and healthy grain you can find in many health food stores), and beans (no fat or low fat).

7. Limit alcohol consumption - If you regularly drink alcohol you're really shooting yourself in the foot in terms of your weight loss progress. It's called a "beer belly" for a reason and you'll never lose it if you're downing more than one drink (12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine) per day.

8. Eat more "good" fats each day - Avoid eating foods containing or cooked in vegetable oils made from corn, sunflower, and safflower. Also, avoid all partially hydrogenated oils -- the main source of dangerous trans fats. At the same time, don't try to completely cut fat out of your diet because it will hurt your overall health and make losing weight much more difficult. Focus on getting more good fats into your diet by cooking with olive oil and eating foods rich in healthy omega-3 fats like fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts.

9. Drink a lot of pure water - Drinking lots of water throughout the day is definitely one of the best ways to lose stomach fat. When you drink large amounts of water you help to curb your appetite, control food cravings, speed up your metabolism, and flush toxins out of your body. For an added fat burning "boost" make the water ice-cold so that your body has to burn more calories to warm it up.

By the way, if you're looking for an extremely effective and easy-to-understand guide to losing stomach fat, building muscle, and looking better fast I highly recommend the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle program located here:

Jamie Clark is a long-time fitness writer and contributing editor for the Belly Fat Blog. If you're interested in learning about the best ways to lose stomach fat fast be sure to visit today!

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Exercises To Lose Abdominal Fat And Flatten Your Stomach

The first and most important step towards developing a six pack is to lose weight. The rationale behind the weight loss is that the abdominal muscles will not show unless the ideal muscle to fat ratio is reached.

The two most effective forms of exercise for losing weight are weight lifting and cardio exercises.
Weight Lifting: Lifting weights will result in a decrease in the development of fat by the body.

Lifting weights will result in an increase in muscle; the more muscle a body has the more energy it is capable of burning.

Extra energy in the body is consequently stored as fat; for this reason, building extra muscle in the body will ensure that this extra energy is utilized and prevented from turning to fat.

The most effective muscles to work on are larger muscles groups such as thighs, hamstrings, back and the chest; as these are larger muscles they will consequently burn larger amount of energy in order to sustain themselves.

Cardio exercises: One of the most common and popular forms of exercise, cardio is a great way to lose weight as it is capable of utilizing fat stores for energy and preventing excess energy form being stored as fat.
By staying in motion for an extended period of time, your body is capable of utilizing glucose stores for energy, and then moving on to utilize fat stores for energy.

Suitable cardio exercises include running, power walking, swimming, cycling, basketball, soccer, tennis or any other exercise or sport that involves continuous movement for an extended period of time.

Some of the most popular forms of cardio exercise are as follows:

1) Running: running is extremely popular as it does not require any particular equipment and can be done virtually anywhere. Running can burn a significant amount of energy, however it can cause discomfort to certain joints such as knees and ankles.

2) Cycling: Cycling can be performed outdoors (on a bicycle) or inside (on a cycling machine) and requires use of the legs in order to burn energy.

3) Swimming: Swimming is a full body exercise and the more body parts that are involved the more energy this exercise is capable of burning. Thirty minutes of an intensive stroke such as breaststroke is capable of burning more energy than thirty minutes of running. One of the benefits of swimming is that it allows for joints to be fully supported, thus preventing the joint damage that can occur through running.

4) Step Aerobics: This involves an intense workout for the legs, buttocks and hips and burns around the same amount of energy as swimming. This form of exercise is available in video or in a class; therefore it is able to be performed at home or in the gym.

5) Elliptical trainer: For those with gym access, or who are lucky enough to own one of these machines, the elliptical trainer will burn energy whilst protecting joints from injury due to impact activities.

6) Power walking: Brisk walking is an excellent form of exercise. Whilst it may not burn off as much energy as running, it will minimize the extent of damage to joints done through impact with the ground.

7) Rowing: Rowing machines are extremely simple to use and have the potential to burn as much energy as running or cycling. Vigorous rowing can significantly increase the heart rate and burn quite a lot of energy.

8) Rock climbing: Rock climbing is capable of burning almost as much energy as swimming. Rock climbing can be quite strenuous, and does involve the use of a large amount special equipment and technique. Whilst not for the faint hearted- it is a lot of fun, particularly when climbing with a partner.

When exercising, it is important to remember to set realistic expectations and to not be too hard on yourself during exercise. Refraining from doing so will ensure you have a higher chance of enjoying the exercise and will prevent you from becoming disheartened and discontinuing the exercise.

When losing weight to develop a six pack, many people will be aiming to develop and strengthen muscle simultaneously. This will have the opposite effect on weight as muscle is denser than fat and weighs more, thus this increase in muscle will negate the loss of weight through a decrease in fat.

In many cases, an individual's weight will increase instead of decrease. This is not something to be worried about. Rather than constantly weighing yourself to determine your progress, try checking your clothing. A decrease in fat should leave your clothes feeling a little loose.

Discover how to achieve flat, firm and sexy abs by downloading your free report entitled "From Jiggly Jelly To Fabulously Flat - Turn Your Jelly Belly Into A Six Pack" from

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Lose Stubborn Belly Fat - The Biggest Myth

One of the biggest fitness myths around when it comes to losing stubborn belly fat is that you can spot train your abs by doing ab exercises regularly. While doing various abdominal exercises such as crunches is great for your stomach muscles, your six-pack will not show if they are hidden behind a layer of fat. There is no such thing as spot reduction by focusing only on your abdominal area. Below are are a few things to consider for losing stubborn belly fat.

Use Cardio as a Fat Burning Tool

Nothing will help to burn fat better or faster than adding cardio training into your workout routine. Cardio exercises include such things as running, bicycling, swimming, aerobics, etc. Elliptical machines are great for cardio workouts because they help protect the joints from other high impact exercises such as running. Changing up your cardio routine is a good way to keep your workouts fun while burning fat.

Your Diet

Out of all things you are doing to lose the fat around your belly, your diet is the most essential thing you will need to modify in order for your physical efforts to work. Approximately 3,500 calories is equal to 1 pound. It will do no good to yourself if you are exercising, yet taking in too many calories each day. Your best bet is to speak to a certified nutritionist or your doctor to find out the correct calorie intake for you and the proper nutrition you need to reach and maintain your goal. Snacking is a big culprit of you choose the wrong foods. Use common sense when snacking. Stay away from the junk foods and snack on healthier alternatives. Also keep in mind the liquids you consume. Soft drinks high in sugar should be excluded.

Incorporate Strength Training

Working out your larger muscle groups is an excellent way to burn fat. The reason being that muscle burns more calories than fat. Strength training increases muscle mass and this increases your resting metabolic rate. Raising your metabolism increases the chance of your fat loss being maintained.

You do not need to over do it on your training. However, being consistent with your workouts and diet will eventually show significant results. Remember, you cannot spot reduce your belly fat. It remains one of the biggest myths around but now you can get yourself on the right track to obtaining six-pack abs by incorporating the methods above into your lifestyle.

Did you know that excess belly fat increases the risk of many diseases such as heart disease and diabetes? Find out what you can do to help burn fat permanently without the use of drugs, supplements, and without wrecking your metabolism. Visit, "Why Can't You Lose Stubborn Belly Fat?"

Eartha Haines is a blogger and fitness enthusiast. She writes for her own personal fitness blog at

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